The news this morning is that Osama Bin Laden is dead. And I'm finding all the "shit, yeah! Awesome! Celebrate!" postings on Facebook a bit uncomfortable. All the more enthusiastic, it seems, from people who are more Christian. It is strange to see so many people so gleeful about a death. Isn't the gleefulness about people's death what we thought made him so evil in the first place? Relief I could understand better, but I guess it has been a while since most people were anxious about him still being uncaught. I wonder what people think will happen now.
I didn't mean to leave such a hater-post up (about the runner) for so long as my most recent post. It is the first time I've felt I have to write something else so that it doesn't seem like I'm just angry for days. Because I sat on the couch, and ate a whole chocolate rabbit while watching the royal wedding on Friday midday. I thought the hats many women wore were cool. Ok, some were perhaps a bit much, but most of them made me want to have somewhere to wear a hat like that. And we had a good weekend, full of farmer's market strawberries, a totally messed up batch of compote, good (but forgot the baking soda AGAIN) scones, baby A's first sleepover at her babysitter's, and a bedroom shade that works for the first time in over a year.

Oh, and Baby A is now a strawberry bandit. We've been calling her the Elmex Bandit for a few months now, because this child loves tubes of this Swiss toothpaste, for carrying around the house. Smooth, plastic rubber, fun huge cap to put in mouth. And she'll happily take 3 at a time (one long ago empty, others still in use) and cruise her territory. But this weekend we went up to visit a friend who has a share in one of the great gardens on the hill above our apartment. And the teeny berries were starting to ripen. Our friend N's friend showed her how to pick a few and she was off - harvesting like a pro. Baby A is going to know where fruits and vegetables come from. I have finished most of my balcony planting - some cherry tomatoes and zucchini in the big box, along with a peony (because I love these flowers in a visceral way and they had one deep violet flower plant left this weekend for sale), some peas that might take to a cheap trellis, a bunch of herbs (two kinds of parsley, dill, rosemary, chives), and on the floor, within Baby A grazing reach, two kinds of strawberries, basil, arugula, and mint.
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