If it isn't, obviously we'll adjust. But since I can't imagine how right now, I'm pretending it will end soon. I have to start back to work in the coming weeks.
I'm going to need more coffee.
This is what my first cup of the day often looks like. Fancy, huh? There's the birthday candle lobster, helping model the coffee and accoutrements. But let's be clear - the coffee press was freshly made for M's cup, around 8am (by said husband). I took a nap from 9am to 10:30am. At 11am, I filled the Swiss flag mug with milk, put it in the microwave for 2 minutes on "MAX" and then put the cold coffee in it. With a teaspoon of sugar. Works for me.
I've also spent an hour (ahem, or a bit more) this morning on Etsy. M likes sculpture. So do I, but he actually likes the idea of having some in our apartment. I'm not against the idea, but I am against the idea of having an expensive three-dimensional object that Baby A, Toddler A, or Moody Teenager A will destroy. And I know that M likes all sorts of sculpture, not just the expensive kind. And I like organic stuff right now. So I was searching for wood sculpture.
As usual, there was the tacky, the sappy, the poorly made, the "did you even put any thought into that?" along with the whimsical (bunny with a tool belt), the interesting (book sculpture), the wood stuff I might like in our bedroom or hallway, and the cute mug I found while looking for new coffee cups instead of closing that Firefox window.
And thank god it is a cloudy day, finally. I don't feel so bad for my flowers and plants under the broken-in-open-position sun shade on the balcony. And the smell of rain, the thick white clouds dripping tentacles onto the hill across the valley, and the sense of rest for the body. No need to find yet another great outdoor destination for the afternoon.
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