Friday, April 29, 2011

You don't do it because you like it, do you?

Hey, Mr. Yeah, you with the yellow and black color coordinated running shirt, shoes and shorts. You know how you just appeared out of nowhere on my foggy morning walk with the dog? And the pupper was off-leash in a part of the walk where that is completely ok, even with you Swiss? And she came up to you and wagged her tail and was all excited because, um hello, you just ran towards her out of nowhere! Poof! Of course she's going to get excited and maybe just a bit cautious.

And you had that pissed-off look on your face as I tried to calmly call her back, so you would know from the tone of my voice that she's totally harmless?

I realized, as I tried to quell all the shame I feel whenever something like this happens to me, even though it isn't my fault or responsibility, that you probably hate either dogs or running. I mean, I didn't do anything even close to wrong. And that look on your face tells me that even though M hates whenever he sees you and all your running buddies that are out early New Year's Day, and other inappropriate, inhuman moments, tells me that you do this as some sort of self-punishment. Or, you hate dogs and hate that I saw your reaction. Or both.

Anyway, I've decided to just let it go, because I had a lovely walk through a foggy morning and, apart from a grumpy runner who I had every reason to scream at the sudden appearance of, I did nothing wrong. Chalk up another one on the "things that are not my fault list."

Oh yes, the hats at the royal wedding are pretty sweet.

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