Sunday, November 18, 2012

Vincent van Goat

We are increasingly using videos with A, but she is still unused to much of the kids' cartoons. They make her upset, or they are too fast paced. And I really wonder who is producing this stuff for kids. The themes are pretty grown up, and take us to discussions I don't know she is ready to have.

So we stick to Sesame Street playlists online, which M watches and plays with her, some iPhone and iPad books and stories, and the Baby Einstein series videos. They are just slower.

Today we finally broke out the Baby Einstein art video. It was all about colors, and Vincent van Gogh's paintings (for the purpose of the video, he was a goat).

Afterwards, we rolled out some white IKEA drawing paper and M, A and I went looking around the house for objects of each color. A also had the responsibility of checking through the dog's toybox to find an object for L.

It was a pretty fun 20 minutes. I give you our collaborative installation pieces.

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