Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Christians, science needs your help

This story was on the BBC News site today. It is about a man who has been in a vegetative state for a decade, and was thought not to have awareness of his surroundings. Turns out, an MRI machine was able to detect brain activity that was translated into answers to questions the doctors asked him. Imagine. What a great story. And what a moment of worry, about the debate on taking patients off of life support when there are no physical signs of awareness.

It made me rethink my position on that. Made me realize how much we don't know about how the human body and mind work.

But let me say that again - IT MADE ME RETHINK MY POSITION. As a scientist. That is what scientists do. That what we are supposed to do, when new information is available. I changed my mind.

It wasn't someone preaching about what the Bible says that changed my mind. It was evidence. Data. That was brought about by thinking, caring individuals, who decided to try yet another way to communicate with a person who was assumed to be dead to the world. It was a humbling moment, that reminded me that the cutting edge of science (and I who listen to it) can be wrong. It reminded me to be thoughtful and careful with how I interpret what doctors tell me. It didn't make me throw away my belief in the scientific method, it reminded me to keep an open mind.

So as a former Christian, one who had some pretty strong beliefs about stuff in the Bible, I wanted to remind Christians that science needs them, too. To become doctors and researchers. Because science will listen if you can show evidence (not scriptural passages) like this, and I think that says a lot about the practice of science.

Not the most eloquent post form me, and I welcome comments from readers who may have understood what I'm trying to say and have a better way to say it.

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