Friday, June 11, 2010

Inhale...cough cough cough...exhale.

Ok, so it is not your standard meditation breathing, but somehow we made it through the night. Dear god, don't make us go through that again.

I'm in the can't-stop-coughing phase of the cold, Baby A kept having a fever despite two separate drugs and crying every time she coughed, and at 1am, somehow M, with his injured knee and little sleep was still the more competent to get her through the next few hours. And when I say "more" competent, that can mean one tiny bit of energy more than me. If I had .0001 energy, he had .00011.

The day had been way too hot and so was the apartment.

Finally the fever broke again (like it has the other nights), I took over at 4am, and we've made it to another day.

Our niece arrives for a long stay today, and I just hope she doesn't turn back around and fly out once she sees the state we're in.

For her visit, we need the foyer to become a guest room. We have a sofa bed on its way, but the thing is, we need her help so much that we haven't been able to set up the foyer for her stay. Sorry! We're so behind that we need you to come help us set up your own guest

Anyway, cool morning. Baby A is asleep for some 15 min. in her crib right now, and once again there is a bit of hope.

Wow, there was nothing funny in this post at all. Hmmm.

Oh, I know, yesterday I found myself hoarse, and trying my hardest to ask the pharmacist over the phone in Germ-glish, how we would know if the anti-fever suppository had absorbed or not since she kept pooping 10-15 min after we'd administer them. We didn't really get to a place of mutual understanding, and the connection was bad on my cell phone. He was trying to find the English word for where the suppository goes, and given that he had mostly medical English, I wound up yelling "ANUS! ANUS!" into the phone. That's kind of funny.

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