Friday, April 22, 2011

I highly doubt that

What makes for sleepless nights? I'm still coughing from my cold, so falling asleep is hard, but even so, actual sleepiness is hard to find tonight. Baby A also only found her sleep after 9:30pm. No weariness for M, either. We stayed up way way past our normal bedtime, until 11:30pm, watching half of Chocolat.

I remember last time I saw the movie how I suddenly wanted good chocolate. Really good chocolate. I think I went to the Godiva store at Park Mall in Tucson. I think I was disappointed. Or maybe it was just late at night and nothing but Walgreens was open. I just remember wanting chocolate like Vienne made in the movie. That would touch your soul through your senses. And then wanting to make chocolate like that.

Leave it to me to live in Switzerland now and see that film again on Good Friday. I don't celebrate Catholic holidays the same way anymore, but this country sure does close down all its stores for weekends like this. Except, tomorrow. Many stores will probably be closed, but I think that the chocolate shops might just be open. One last shopping day to Easter baskets.

The movie got me thinking about religion, as well. About doubting. About why it was such a horrible thing that Thomas doubted Jesus was going to rise from the dead. Like no man had ever done before, since people don't do that. In some way, wasn't the rising from the dead one of the first ways you could actually tell Jesus wasn't just human? So here's poor Thomas, just being rational, and he gets this horrible reputation. And the man even lays out his conditions for believing Jesus has risen, like a good scientific thinker would ("here's what would make me change my mind - fingers in wounds"), and somehow every sermon I've heard about him faults him for these things. Oh ha ha, that silly Thomas. Had to go and open his mouth and be all cocky. Anyway, whatever I do or don't think about Jesus, I still think Thomas sounds like a pretty good guy.

And tomorrow, I might just go in search of some soul-hugging chocolate. For now, I'll just try to forget about the chocolate and stop rethinking where else in this apartment I might have lost my phone. Maybe I'll finally fall asleep. Right after I sneak off to the fridge to have a go at those crispy M&Ms I bought a few days ago. Because, let's face it, chocolate that feeds your soul and chocolate that stops hunger so you can fall asleep...two completely different creatures.

1 comment:

  1. I *just* watched this movie again last night with a group of friends, and we made sure to have plenty of good chocolate on hand because we knew the craving would strike. (As for the craving for Johnny Depp, that went unsatisfied, unfortunately.) But the movie prompted similar discussions about religion. I hope you find (found) some good chocolate today.
