First night at the new place, the minimal IKEA lamps are doing their best to light the apartment. You have buy your own ceiling fixtures, so there is no light in the apartment save for the kitchen and bathroom and what you bring with. We'll get ceiling lights later...great, one more decision. Or, five more, actually.
Some of the daytime sounds (of buses, construction, and traffic) have settled down now, and there is a mix of night-time-city (and trains!) and crickets coming in through the windows. You can see part of the living room view, with the flash of the computer screen in the way. The view of the more industrial spaces of town glow in red, green, blue letters and signs. I don't think I've ever lived with this kind of view before. It is kind of calming even if it is of the city. At night you can actually see something even if the sky is overcast. And it is nothing close to the street my bedroom butted up against (ooh, there goes a clickety clack of a train) as a kid.
The dog has finally given up her post at the balcony, waiting for that black kitty to reappear, and is now sacked out on some pillows. We had a small accident on her bed, when she was in a moving van in her crate, so she will have to make due with big floor pillows and, horror of horrors, sleeping on our bed. And we were going to be so good about moving her to the floor for the whole night once we got here. Oh well, when the nice new bed gets here, I think she may just opt for that anyway.
Still haven't met most of the neighbors, some of whom (apparently) smoke. It really still puzzles me how a people who eat better than us, exercise more than us, are more fit and into sport than us are still so much into smoking. But, I guess this is Europe for you. (stop smoking, neighbor person.)
It was a good day - another load of stuff to the apartment, dog went to daycare, I went to work, found the big grocery in our little town, got a lot of odds and ends for the apartment, too, got at least the ethernet working, made dinner, took the dog out, set up the rest of the IKEA chairs and lamp, and now I'm just relaxing.
About that walk with the dog. There is a little plot of green just a few minutes' walk from here, and I sat there for a while, as she rolled and did her business. And from there, you can hear a herd of goats' bells. Kind of a dull, tinny sound. Reminds me of the trip we took up to the alps. Lovely sound, don't know if it bugs the hell out of the goats. Still, even this close to city noise, there is a bit of countryside left around us.
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