With no doggie daycare (yet, who knows, maybe they don't even have them here), we have started to take a lot more walks with the pupper. Last Sunday, when everything was closed apart from cafes and restaurants, we headed down the hill from our apartment to the old town.
The first nice thing about having a dog here is that they can ride on buses, trams and trains. They have to pay half-price, or you get them a pass, but they can still come with. Then, when you are walking around, there are water fountains with a people-part and a doggie-part.
So we took our time heading downhill, stopping to take in the city view from different university gardens like the one in the photo here.

Finally, we made it to the old town,
and the first cafe we came across, with a few tables on the sidewalk, the perfect place to stop with the dog, also offers therapeutic massages. I think we're going to like living here.

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