a line of clouds or are those the mountains?" We now play the same game here.
You can barely see them in these photos for some reason, but there they are, about 60 km away from Zurich - the Alps. There are various places in town, especially around our neighborhood from where, on a clear day, you can catch a peek of the snow-covered peaks. Hopefully we'll find an apartment with even a small bit of this view. But you can see them around certain streets
and corners, when the tram is making some tight turn up the hill and suddenly there they are.

These photos were taken up near the zoo, from a place near the forest preserve where we have taken the dog a few times already. There may not be as many great little green spots near our house to take the dog, but a quick tram ride up the hill and we are here. Probably 10 min. On Sunday, yesterday, we found another great spot for the dog. On the map it was just a winding patch of green with a ribbon of blue going through it. In Tucson, this would have been a dry riverbed, and I expected it to be some fields around a canal.

But no, there it was, in our neighborhood - "wolf canyon" - a forested path around a little stream that goes tumbling down the hill. It was such a nice spot in the middle of the city. And just as we thought this was as good as it gets, we saw 2 different dog owners had let their dogs off-leash, to run up and down the side

Ok, we live in a pretty good place - the dog didn't get a very long time off-leash, but at least she got to run at full speed for about 10 minutes, between me and M, calling her for cookies. She loved it.
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