Sunday, July 7, 2013

Now it is just the hippies

How did that happen? It is almost a month since I've written here.

I'm coming out of a short quarantine for strep throat (which we're all hoping only I caught this time around) and that second day of antibiotics (assuming you didn't wait too long to get to the doctor and you're not already delirious with a fever) is a bit magical. Your kid can go to daycare, your partner is at work, you feel mostly fine and yet you're not allowed to go much of anywhere. And you probably don't want to be all up in all sorts of food preparation yet, either. You get to just sit and watch a movie or read. If you want to do a telecon, you go do that. I got to just reschedule some meetings for next week and instead I gave myself the day off. Because M insisted I actually take it off, and not try to be productive.

But other than that, what I have I been doing all this month? Why have I not written? I'm in the middle of both diversity of thought (in the workplace) literature, and a load of TED talks about gender.

And still growing out that leg hair.

I'm not sure if it is as long as it is going to get. I'm not sure if I'll always have a hard time seeing it as feminine. And yet, how can something that all women have, be something that isn't feminine. What a strange concept that there are things that all women are trying to change about themselves to feel more feminine.

One thing I know, from taking a more than causal glance at all the various legs passing me by at the Zurifest yesterday (3 days of citywide celebration, that happens every 3 or 4 years), is that hairy legs are no longer a "European" thing. I was the only one out there, female, between the ages of about 12 to 55, who didn't have shaved legs.

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