Sunday, April 1, 2012


The most spiritual experiences I have these days are related to A. And they tend to catch me unawares. I'll be sitting at her crib, having said "ok" to holding her little hand for another 5 minutes so she can fall asleep, wondering, as I do, what it too long or not enough for helping her learn to fall asleep on her own. And suddenly I realize that there is a human being, with a small, warm hand, with blood pumping through it, with thoughts swirling in her almost asleep head, twitching a message in her hand, right there. One that I carried in my body, and one that is partially of me. And I think that sitting there, feeling my skin against hers is a pretty good way to just be in the present moment with the universe. And that my greatest hope is that more of the best of me makes it to her, than the worst of me. That I can help delete some of the junk I'm dealing with so she won't have to, and pass on some of the good.

Then, as it does, my mind wanders off. To how long I've been sitting there, and if I could make likenesses of all our family with Muppet What-Not characters, two of whom made it to my mailbox for my birthday this year.

Which brings me to the Muppet links I found after watching the new Muppet Movie last night with M. It was cute, and funny. Don't even get me started on how much better than "Tara Road" it was. I watched that while M was away for a few days. Given that one of the Flight of the Conchords guys wrote the music, even, how could the Muppet Movie not have been awesome?

This afternoon, during A's bath (it was M's turn to bathe her), I poke around on the internet to see what "how to" links are out there for making Muppet-like puppets.  And these are the best three I found:

Electric Mayhem Band fake concert posters by Michael de Pippo,

Eric Slager's minimalist Muppets print which reminds me of the Lego cartoon characters graphic swimming around Facebook these days,

and a wedding proposal I wish I had come up with, with What-Nots.

About the only thing that can top any of this is a YouTube helping of some Pepe the King Prawn.

(10 min later)

Nope. I was wrong. And I will have to just be jealous of all you people living in the US now....this is what Henson puppeteers do on their down time, Stuffed and Unstrung. Make sure you watch some of the YouTube clips.

1 comment:

  1. Speaking of Pepe:
    Here is a joke I learned from him...
    What do you get when you cross an elephant with a rhino?
    Eliphino! Get it? El iph I no.
