There it is. The rogue daffodil that has somehow made its way to our balcony garden and decided to flower before anything else is even ready. But that's just one of the signs.
The crocuses are blooming in our neighborhood.
The sky is blue and the high was 56 F today.
I don't freak out when baby A pulls off her hat anymore, but I still say no bare feet unless we're in the bus/tram.
My orange trench coat was warm enough, and I could have made due without socks myself.
The checklist is up in the elevator asking us all to turn off our balcony faucets so that water can be turned on again.
It is light outside when baby A wakes up now, and trust me, she's not sleeping in.
But really, just like with the shedding that is probably soon to be in full swing, the biggest indicator to me that spring is here....I shaved my legs (If only I could shed instead of shaving) after some 3 months of furriness. I didn't wear a skirt or shorts. But that doesn't matter. Its spring.
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