11 dogs have been poisoned near us, 2 have died. Some sick person is out there, and I'm guessing it isn't someone who has had a great life.
So we're going on a sniff-sabbatical, at least when I'm walking the pupper. It is pee, poo, and stretch your legs time. Leave the sniffing for finding all those food crumbs I drop that miss baby A's head or neck. There's more than enough to go around.
Strange country, this one. In some ways they really love dogs, let them in restaurants, on trains and buses. One restauranteur put a bowl FULL of dog cookies down in front of the pupper once, and I only realized it wasn't the usual water bowl 2 seconds later. In other words, when she was half done scarfing them down. I think that is officially her favorite restaurant now. And many news stands will give dog cookies. A few times when M has run out on an outing, he goes to a stand that does this and buys a paper, just to score an extra snack to make it home.
And other times, you see parents cross the street when they see the pupper coming. And crap like this poisoning happens.
I'll stop now before I just get mean.
Oh, so today was a crazy realization day, both good and a bit freaky. We went to a friend's place, me and the pistachio, to wait out the cleaning lady, and the friend (also with a new baby) had one of those wooden play areas you can put the baby under with little toys hanging down for them to look at and eventually grab.
So I know that A can kind of hit the toys on her version of this with her feet. They hang pretty high. But I was thinking that it was hit or miss. Yeah, ha ha! There was a little wooden toy on this thing, with a jingle bell in it. So, I shake it gently for A to see. "Look little baby, see the pretty sound?" I stand up and turn around to go get something from my coat and I hear "bam-jingle!"
How cute. She hit it by accid.....bam-jingle! Um, wait, she did it again. Ok, move the baby over 4 inches. She looks around, still doing that fake-out baby random arm and leg flailing thing, and bam-JINGLE!

Oh. Wow. I moved this thing FOUR times, near her left then right arm. And each time, she looked around, and on the first try....bam-jingle!
This baby can aim.
Bow to your sens....BAM-jingle!
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