Tuesday, June 16, 2009

What pregnant women get at the duty free

The writing on the bag is backwards because my webcamera did that. This is all I have for today - fruit juice sweetened gummy candies and noodles. The candy is a "value pack" (which just means huge amount) that I bought at the duty-free in Copenhagen airport a few weekends ago. The gummies help get me through times when my blood sugar feels low, and they're hopefully not as bad as straight up gummi bears. Like today, I had a handful of them at the end of German class, 3 hours after starting, when the apple and nuts I ate during break didn't quite tide me over to the end. And I have only found them here in Switzerland in mini-packs, like Halloween candy - a bag with 10 small bags with 7 gummies each. I need bulk, people. So that was a good purchase at the airport. Otherwise, there was booze (nope), perfume (even more nope), and chocolate (hey wait). Swiss chocolate (oh right, never mind).

And then the noodles. I haven't had ramen noodles in probably 10 years, but they were recently featured on a BBC show about people who overeat, overdrink, overeverything. The guy they were featuring was nicknamed "Noodles" because he ate (in addition to meals, and nighttime McDonald's) some strange, godzilla version of ramen. In flavors like "chicken curry", and I don't know, "swedish buffet" probably. Anyway, he ate 6-8 of them a day. Wow. One of them was enough salt to tide me over until tomorrow. And mine was veggie flavor, with an egg mixed in for protein. I don't anticipate being called noodles anytime soon, though. I think I can handle about 2 of those per week, maximum.

Oh, and I've started intensive German classes. We'll see if I survive. Three hours a day, 5 times/week. So far, not so bad. Lots of speaking, listening, writing. The teacher uses a lot of games, which actually makes class not so boring. And we get a break. And wouldn't you know it, the first day I walk in and we're all introducing ourselves and where we're from, there are the 5 of us students: from US, from Spain, from Portugal, from Russia, and from....Lithuania. So although none of us speak very good German, I find myself in a room with 3 other languages I speak. Crazy.

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