Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Ha. Ha ha. Hahahahahahahahaaaaaa!

A trip all by myself.

Well, no, not exactly. My cousin, L, will be there, too. But I'm going away. Without M and A and the dog. So it will count as "by myself" in some key ways. I will pack for only myself and plan to buy a few things when on travel. I might even just open a bag 30 minutes before I leave for the airport and throw in the first 20 things that come to mind. I'm sure my phone and some underpants will make the list. And a pair of shoes or boots. And, hell, I'll be wearing clothes at the time, and if I really want, I can wear them for the entire length of the trip. All 4 days.

Don't worry, L, I'm just kidding. At the very least, I'll shower each day and hang my clothes to air out overnight.

No packing diapers, or wipes. Or bottles. Or 6 pacifiers. Or dog treats, or extra anything, really. I'm giddy. I'm planning to sleep...WHENEVER I'M TIRED. Might even go wild and eat....when I'm hungry. I bet you I'll even get to finish what is on my plate without small beings trying to steal my food (I'm talking to you, A and pupper). I bet you L won't look at me, then at my plate, back at me, stretch out her hand and say "egg!"

I can't actually believe it is happening. The thought of being on my own for 4 days is amazing. What did I do before I had a kid? How did I actually fill the time? I wonder if I'll run out of ideas of what to do.

Doubt it.

For those of you channeling my subconscious which is a bit worried at how happy I seem to be at the thought of leaving my family, especially my baby girl, for a few days, take heart. I've realized I'm not yet ready for her to be without both parents. But since M will be here, as will her daycare, and her beloved babysitter, I plan to travel guilt-free on this one.

Better go charge up my Kindle. I've got some reading to catch up on.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, how I remember these exact feelings when I used to travel for work. I remember feeling guilty about not feeling guilty to have time to myself (how's that for being a good Catholic with built-in guilt?)!

    I hope you enjoyed those 4 days alone. I know it always did me good to have that 'me' time. I returned home feeling energized and revitalized!

    Oh, and it was nice to be missed too.
