Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Life with a newborn

And a blog with a newborn.

Baby came 2 weeks early!

We were not quite ready!

Born last Sunday afternoon after 17 hour labor:
-water broke starting 24 hour clock to deliver before infection risk went up

-skull facing my spine - extra pain

-possible problem with size of head vs size of pelvis

-finally took epidural for pain (didn't plan or want to, but couldn't scream out
any more pain even on a LOT of laughing gas), which slowed down labor

-speeding up labor again would have required pitocin which increases contraction
strength and pain

-but epidural didn't work on left side. at all. even after pulling out part way

-chief anesthesiologist would allow second epidural try because of risks of something

-could have tried another local spinal anesthetic to finish labor but only gave me 2 hours
to get it all done

-if baby couldn't make it in this time would have had to do C-section under general anesthetic (breathing tube, more possible complications, not awake to hold baby right away)

-chose C-section on local spinal in the end

Beautiful baby girl A: Future post - Perfect others

Wonderful week in hospital under care of amazing nurses: Future post - Becoming a mother

Horrible time with breast feeding in hospital among doctors and lactation consultants who didn't quite listen to me or try to figure out my options. Finally at home with postnatal midwife successfully figuring out how to help me feed without teeth-clenching, shooting pain. Future post: Maybe you're just one of those women who can't breastfeed.

Over and out.


  1. Very curious about what this "perfect others" comment was all about. Also curious (morbidly? Strange to have a tinge of shame to be so interested in this topic) to hear how your postnatal midwife helped you with lactation where others had failed. But bravo to you overall! Can't wait to hear what baby A is like.

  2. Hey, did I share with you about the Jack Newman videos? They're on the net. We found these about a month or so in. I was having incredible pain (much worse than labor) with breastfeeding, and Ila wasn't putting weight on at first. These videos were a revelation. Just for the record we had lactation consultants including those that came to the house. The videos just really helped.
