Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Bright "fall" color in Zurich

We took a long walk last weekend, on Saturday, because M had to work on Sunday. This was one of those walks that has no other purpose than taking a walk and seeing a new part of the city.

One of the buses I regularly take passes by the river where a lot of brightly colored trees stand. So I thought we'd ride that bus for a bit, get off and walk to find those trees. It wasn't the sunniest of days, but we did see a lot of color. Even if not all of it was from those trees.

There were trees.

But we also stumbled on a great stretch of walls near the river, covered in really colorful grafitti. The kind that I'd love to have someone do on a vinyl shower curtain for our bathroom (ok, not now that we have the colorful rug perhaps, but when there was no rug it would have been great to have that much color!).
You can see M and the pupper looking in the other direction...apparently dogs don't really get grafitti. At least not the visual kind. She leaves her own "tags" in many parts of the city, just with a different kind of "spraying" mechanism.

And then at some point, we started seeing people actually doing the grafitti. Of course, my first instinct was to think "you can't do that!" But I had just beeing enjoying what was up there already, and it seems like these walls are constantly being changed. Maybe every weekend, maybe more often?

There seem to be some rules, as individuals have some set amount of space to start spraying over the previous artwork. They work slowly, stepping back to look at their work. And the stuff they come up with is beautiful. I thought it was. Especially on a chilly, kind of grey day.

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